The DNA Community
Labels Are For Clothes
Why Not? This is the question we ask and the driving force behind
DNA when it works to create positive change for people with special
physical and mental needs. Why do we not see more of these
individuals in the work place and out in front and what can DNA do
to make it more of a reality?
Our approach when addressing this area is a very straight forward
grass roots approach and we believe the great thing about this
approach is its simplicity. There should be more individuals with
special needs given the opportunity to be out in front in the work
place where their talent and the excellent examples they set can be
shared with those who work in tandem with them.
What it takes for DNA to make progress in this area is primarily
increasing our awareness for opportunities so people with special
needs can get more of a chance to shine in the work place. In keeping
with this philosophy, whenever possible Dominique PLC and
DNA will continue to utilize the skills of people with special needs to
help empower our organizations while encouraging other businesses
to do the same. By planting the seed of possibility with companies
and organizations we come in contact with, the inherent momentum of
this cause can get things done. When we all stretch our minds in search of possibilities, it often opens our hearts in the process.